HI I have been reading lang-ita.tex to see how a language is defined. There are some errors. I have compare the translation with those done by Javier Bezos in spanish for babel ( he has studied spanish typesetting to build the style) line 149 \setupheadtext [\s!es] [\v!tabellen=Tablas] instead of Tablas --> Cuadros line 156 \setupheadtext [\s!es] [\v!figuren=Ilustraci\'ons] ^^^ (liustraciones instead of Ilustraciones --> Figuras line 170 \setupheadtext [\s!es] [\v!intermezzos=intermedios] I don't know what is the propuouse of "intermezzos." Can you explain for what are used? (i can't find it in the manual) line 184 \setupheadtext [\s!es] [\v!afkortingen=Abreviaci\'ons] ^^^Abreviaciones line 198 \setupheadtext [\s!es] [\v!eenheden=Unidads] ^^ Unidades line 205 \setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!tabel=Tablas ] Here i think is the singular for Tabla, but Javier recomended Cuadro instead of Tablas --> Cuadro line 212 \setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!figuur=Ilustraci\'on ] instead of Ilustraci\'on --> Figura line 219 \setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!intermezzo=intermedio ] intermezzo???? line 308 \setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!january=jenero] jenero --> enero line 316 \setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!september=septimbre] septimbre --> septiembre line 319 \setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!december=deciembre] deciembre --> diciembre This is all (for the moment :-), i've to read what are the meaning of the other things, for quotes and so on.) thanks in advance Zunbeltz