Hello, I've put the gnuplot binary for windows on http://modules.contextgarden.net/gnuplot-win, just in case that anyone is interested (Firefox has problems displaying that page, but I didn't figure out whether the problem lies in the garden, firefox or on my computer). Some functionality and documentation is still missing, but the interface should be stable now. If anyone would like to suggest what the default settings for some options should be, feel free to comment. I'm not sure if the current settings are all sensinble and there might still be time to change some. Gnuplot 4.2 will probably be released very soon. The context terminal might have chances to be included in the "patchset 1", but the developers are reluctant to include it without any feedback from other users. Even a few comments like "it works for me" on http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1654807&group_id=2055&atid=302055 or on the mailing list would probably help. There are known limitations (like "memory limit exceeded"), unimplemented features, but also bugs. So please report/email any bugs to me as soon as you find them. Mojca