Hi, I have two question regarding OBSD binaries: 1) the building farm holds two binaries: current -stable version (or -release?) and the previous version. Since upgrading OBSD with sysupgrade is very easy, but AFAIU works only to upgrade from version (n-1) to n where n is current relase number, I wonder if it wouldn't easier to maintain binaries only for the current version: keeping the OS up to date is strongly recommended. https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq5.html#Flavors This might ease OBSD binaries management. What do other OBSD users think about it? 2) AFAIU, sources are now available for downloading. I understand it would be possible to make a package build for my system, so that I can upgrade OBSD without having to wait for the next binaries upload. * binaries are quite small, so they should compile quite quickly. Am I right? * I believe Mojca has already a compiling script. Where can I find it? * which adress should I point to fetch the sources for compilation? Best regards, Damien Thiriet