Hello, I have a bunch of figures of the same dimension 3.5x3.5. On each page in a document, I'd like to place a pair of them \ so that -- the figures are exactly at the same location on each page -- there is a specific horizontal gap between the figures -- they are vertically aligned. In short, I'd be happy if I could force TeX to put the left upper corner of a figure at a specific location on the page. All figures have the same dimension. I tried to improve on \placefigure [nonumber,fit] [fig:page7] {Pair No 7} \framed{ \startcombination[2*1] {\externalfigure[left7][width=3.5in]}{} {\externalfigure[right7][width=3.5in]}{} \stopcombination } but I have no clue how to make the whitespace between the figures to be say exactly .2 in, nor how to force a position of the float into the center of the page. Details.pdf contains lots of suggestions for placements, and I have the suspicion that I just haven't found it there yet -- maybe somebody here can help me? Thanks in advance for any help. Matthias