On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 15:20, Martin Schröder
I just checked the "nordic" TUGS: - Nordic TeX (http://folk.uio.no/dag/ntug/) seems to be long dead - Danish TUG (http://www.tug.dk/) is active - CyrTUG (http://www.cemi.rssi.ru/cyrtug/) gives a page not found - ÍsTeX (http://www3.hi.is/pub/istex/) seems to be dormant
So there is room for a Finnish TUG :-)
Well, this far I'm up to *4* ConTeXt users resident in Finland - me, my brother Ville, Salil and Otso. Which doubles the amount of users I know, but still... (Alan is in France and Martin, AFAIK, in Germany, so they don't count even though they replied to this thread.) While by Finnish law 3 can make an official society/organization, I think we'll stick to informal meetings this far. At least we four are all in the same area so getting together is somewhat possible, especially as I have a meeting space at my disposal. BUT: Nobody else in Finland??? Best Regards/Terveisin, Mari Voipio Vantaa, Finland