Jeroen schrieb am 16.09.2023 um 22:28:
This MWE has a framed text for some verbatim text (code) with as title ref. a counter 1, 2, etc.. Is there a way to change this frame text title as following with the chapter number and a sequential number and the title.
Code Fragment 1.1 (The First Title) Code Fragment 1.2 (The Second Title) Code Fragment 2.1 (The Third Title)
\defineenumeration [Counter] [title=yes, alternative=empty, before=\startCountFramedText, after=\stopCountFramedText]
\defineenumeration [Counter] [ title=yes, alternative=empty, text=Code Fragment, way=bychapter, prefix=yes, before=\startCountFramedText, after=\stopCountFramedText] Wolfgang