Am 2019-08-14 um 22:09 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster
Use (with "framed" in the second optional argument)
\setupfield [MMradio] [framed] [..,..=..,..]
to get normal framed fields.
I already had "framed=on" as part of my setup. *** I found a ConTeXt beta from February 2019 on my laptop, and there it works as it should. i.e. frames are there, and radiobuttons are single-select. ***
Am 2019-08-14 um 19:20 schrieb Hans Hagen
: On 8/13/2019 8:01 PM, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
Regardless of my other mails, I’d appreciate to have this bug fixed.
Last time I checked this (widget crap) there was an issue with acrobat and apearances ... I think that this model of parents and kids never really worked well and when one switches a page existing renderings get messed up. Irr some of these widgets (check boxes?) can't even have a custom visualization any more that is kept when one goes through pages.
I also have no clue to what extend all this is part of the 'standard'.
Anyway, if you can make a working example (uncompressed pdf) in official acrobat (not some other tool) that works in acrobat reader we can maybe figure out what todays demands are. Implementing stuff like this is trivial but the trial and error is painful.
(I only have acrobat X and reader for checking this.)
I can understand your annoyance about Adobe – I recently switched Acrobat Pro with Qoppa PDF Studio Pro that contains most of AcroPro’s functions (including PDF/X and PDF/A check), since my Acrobat Pro 9 doesn’t work on OSX Mojave any more (it starts, but a lot of features won’t work), and I don’t want to pay monthly for their bloated crap. PDF Studio lacks LiveCycle forms support (unfortunately those are used by some German authority bodies), and it can’t display CropBox, TrimBox etc outside of the cropping tool; I placed a feature request, maybe they’ll implement it; their email support was very quick, friendly and helpful. Neither Acrobat (Pro 9) nor PDF Studio can save uncompressed PDFs. (I know old versions of AcroPro could.) I "customized" the checkbox as it was possible within Acrobat; I found no options to use custom symbols (I know it worked in Acrobat 5-7). Greetlings, Hraban --- https://www.fiee.net http://wiki.contextgarden.net https://www.dreiviertelhaus.de GPG Key ID 1C9B22FD