Am 10.08.2010 19:09, schrieb Martin Schröder:
2010/8/10 Hans Hagen
: \setupbackend [format=valid pdf/x name, profile=name.icc, intent=name.icc, level=compresslevel, % default 3
Does it correctly handle x-4? That's a lot harder then x-3.
See for yourself... <tex-path>/texmf-context/tex/context/test/pdf-x4.mkiv (also 'p' variant) But you need 'sRGB.icc' and 'ISO Coated v2 (ECI).icc' for the test files. I'll try to make all the predefined profiles available on the Wiki in the next few days. The profiles can then be stored under <tex-path>/texmf-context/color/icc/profiles/ or by setting $OSCOLORDIR (haven't tested the later option yet; Hans knows the dirty details) if you already have installed them for other software. Happy testing :-) Peter