Geert Dobbels schrieb am 05.04.2020 um 00:30:
Below is what I think is the bare minimum to explain this question (sorry for not doing it right from the beginning...)
Keep it up.
As I said, with the code as it is below, the header is not repeated after the first page, but the table is in the right place.
Replacing "split=yes" by "split=repeat" makes the header repeat correctly but puts the beginning of the table on the next page, leaving the first page nearly completely blank.
I already reported the problem on the dev-list. The reason is that ConTeXt creates one big table and splits it afterwards in smaller parts which fit on each page but when you use "split=repeat" the part for the first page is too large to fit.
In both cases, the "header=repeat" setting has no influence at all on the behaviour and can be omitted without changing the results.
As I read in some other posts, sometimes putting the table in a float can help, so I tried this (by removing the 3 "%" in the code below), but there seems to be a conflict with the figure in the page header, and it stops with an error message.
Don't use floats in the header or footer, they serve no purpose and you can include images without it. Below is a solution with nested frames but you can also use a table to create the header layout.
However, replacing the figure in the page header by a normal text suddenly solves the problem: putting "split" in the setupfloat and "header=repeat" in the setupxtable gives me a table with repeated headers that starts exactly where I want it to start. Apparently in this case, the "headers=repeat" is necessary. Unfortunately, I need a company logo up in the page header, which is what causes the error for which I have no explanation.
Here is a working version of your example but you have to a space between the header and the page body (see headerdistance setting) or reduce the height of the outer most frame (it uses at the moment the height and width of the header area). \setuppapersize[A4,landscape] \setuplayout [location=middle, width=27.5cm, height=18cm, backspace=1cm, header=4cm, headerdistance=5mm] \startsetups[header] \startframed[width=max,height=max,frame=off,offset=overlay] \startframed[height=1cm,width=max,frame=off] \userpagenumber \stopframed \par \startframed[height=3cm,width=max,offset=overlay] \startframed[width=0.25\hsize,height=max] \externalfigure[dummy][height=1.9cm] \stopframed \startframed[width=0.50\hsize,height=max,] % frame=off,topframe=on,bottomframe=on some text in the middle block \stopframed \startframed[width=0.25\hsize,height=max] some text in the right block \stopframed \stopframed \stopframed \stopsetups \setupheadertexts[\directsetup{header}] \startbuffer[tablerow] \startxrow \startxcell first \stopxcell \startxcell second \stopxcell \stopxrow \stopbuffer \startbuffer[table] \startxtable \startxtablehead[head] \getbuffer[tablerow] \stopxtablehead \startxtablebody \dorecurse{40}{\getbuffer[tablerow]} \stopxtablebody \stopxtable \stopbuffer \setupxtable [option=stretch, split=repeat, header=repeat, align=middle] \setupxtable [head] [background=color, backgroundcolor=gray] \starttext \title{Table without float environment} \samplefile{ward} \getbuffer[table] \title{Table with float environment} \samplefile{ward} \startplacetable[location={none,split}] \getbuffer[table] \stopplacetable \stoptext Wolfgang