"Joshua" == Joshua Lee
Joshua> Hi All, Is there any way to use metauml from ConTeXt? Joshua> http://thor.info.uaic.ro/~ogh/lop/ Joshua> BTW, is there any ConTeXt modules to write uml sequence diagram Joshua> similar to http://code.google.com/p/pgf-umlsd ? Joshua> Thanks in advance. Joshua> Best regards, Joshua Hi Joshua, There we use the following chain: - Edit UML diagrams with bouml (a really really great tool to design and for reverse engineering… ) - Export to SVG (take care of the font with qt-config if you want some consistency within your final pdf) - SVG to PDF conversion with inkscape (command line + fonts embedding option if needed) - just use the PDF as another external figure… I'll check tomorrow if I have succeeded to optimize the fonts embedding (this point has annoyed me a lot)…
From my POV, MetaUML is not adapted to a real production environment (except at pure design stage)…
Worth give à try to bouml -> pdf Your UML diagrams should look great with a few bouml/fonts/qt-config configuration. Renaud