Dnia 2013-03-27, o godz. 13:38:50
Hans Hagen
I uploaded a work-in-progress manual:
I have to say that I am *very* impressed. 1. Aesthetically, this seems to be the most beautiful of ConTeXt manuals. 2. I've only read half a page, but the style also seems to be very nice - the introduction was just great. 3. From the number of pages and the table of contents I assume that I'll be able to learn a lot about fonts from this - and that's great! Now the file has been sent to my Kindle, and the only thing I'm afraid of is the reading experience on 6"... Hans, I know that you don't like (today's) ebook readers, but what about preparing a version with larger fonts/smaller margins for us Kindle users? Given the typographical quality of most Kindle ebooks, you may assume that when we read on a Kindle, we don't care too much about aesthetics (which, btw, is incomprehensible for me: the technology to typeset text automatically in an (at least) decent way (including hyphenation) has been around for some 30 years, and yet they didn't manage to do it right...), so you might just change a few things in \setuplayout etc. and throw it into the net...
Best, -- Marcin Borkowski http://octd.wmi.amu.edu.pl/en/Marcin_Borkowski Adam Mickiewicz University