"Mojca" == Mojca Miklavec
Mojca> I can put any files on the server and can reshuffle them if Mojca> needed, but you need to send me some kind of specifications what Mojca> exactly you need. Well, I'm mostly interested if there is a plan to make some kind of 'release' for Minimals, or periodically to provide a kind of 'stable snapshot' 'cause rsync-update in not in 'sync' with NiXOS philosophy? Mojca> I can also put a nixos package to the garden, but you need to Mojca> prepare it (and possibly provide the proper binaries). Try to Mojca> shuffle the files on your local machine and play with it to see Mojca> if it works. Unfortunately, due to Murphy's law, the main server (no mirrors yet) is still down from the last week (it hit right before the holidays in Netherlands), so I'm waiting for a server to come back online (probably tomorrow). Then I can install NiXOS and play with Minimals. Mojca> Would you like to provide sources or binaries? I'd like to provide both - source expression can go into NiXOS's svn trunk, while it would be nice to have binaries available at contextgarden. Mojca> Man pages? Improve mtx-update.lua? Some other things as well, Mojca> I'll try to move everything to the new server in some reasonable Mojca> time. Thank you for reply. Let me move my laptop to NixOS first, then I plan to help having Minimals available for it. Sincerely, Gour -- Gour | Zagreb, Croatia | GPG key: C6E7162D ----------------------------------------------------------------