Sjoerd Siebinga wrote:
Thanks Hans, for the fast response. On 27-aug-2006, at 14:56, Hans Hagen wrote:
� \doifmode{xml:linebreak}{\disablemode[xml:linebreak]\crlf} �
\defineXMLenvironment [av] {} {\ensablemode[xml:linebreak]}
\defineXMLenvironment [liste] {\setups[xml:linebreak]} {\crlf}
or sometign similar, �
I have played around with this solution for a bit and�\defineXMLenvironment [liste] {} {\setups[xml:linebreak]} �seems to work for the <liste>-tag. But it not entirely clear to me how this should work for the <av>-tag when it is not followed by another tag on the same line.� \def\dowithnextXMLelement#1% {\pushmacro\executeXMLelement \def\executeXMLelement{#1\popmacro\executeXMLelement}}
\defineXMLenvironment[aap] {} {\dowithnextXMLelement {\doifelse{\currentXMLelement}{noot} { lust } { kust }}} \starttext \startXMLdata <aap>een aap</aap><noot>een noot</noot> <aap>een aap</aap><mies>een mies</mies> \stopXMLdata \stoptext this assumes that i keep \executeXMLelement in its current location which is quite certain ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------