Hello, I'm asking just in case that there is any PGF guru on this mailing list, else I will ask on the PGF list. I have noticed that TikZ terminal for gnuplot is broken (it worked half a year ago) because of the following definitions: \def\gpcolor#1{\tikzset{global #1}} \tikzset{rgb color/.code={\pgfutil@definecolor{.}{rgb}{#1}\color{.}}} \tikzset{global rgb color/.code={\pgfutil@definecolor{.}{rgb}{#1}\color{.}}} \tikzset{global color/.code={\color{#1}}} Example of usage: \gpcolor{color=gp lt color 0} \gpcolor{rgb color={1.000,0.000,0.000}} Clearly the command \color{...} is something latex-specific. The question is - does anyone know how to rewrite the commands written above into generic code that will work in all of the three: plain TeX, LaTeX and ConTeXt? "Minimal" example: \usemodule[tikz] \edef\tikzatcode{\the\catcode`\@} \catcode`\@=11 \def\gpcolor#1{\tikzset{global #1}} \tikzset{rgb color/.code={\pgfutil@definecolor{.}{rgb}{#1}\color{.}}} \tikzset{global rgb color/.code={\pgfutil@definecolor{.}{rgb}{#1}\color{.}}} \tikzset{global color/.code={\color{#1}}} \catcode`\@=\tikzatcode \starttext \starttikzpicture \gpcolor{color=red} % or: \gpcolor{rgb color={1.000,0.000,0.000}} \draw (0,0)--(10,0)--(10,5)--(0,5)--cycle; % this one should be red \stoptikzpicture \stoptext Thanks, Mojca