Renaud AUBIN wrote:
Hi all,
Is there someone using GNU Emacs with ConTeXt. After some googlelyzing, I've learnt : 1. ConTeXt mode from Berend de Boer is now included in AucTeX 2. Some people use Emacs with ConTeXt and METAPOST, but with special .el files that seems not really up-to-date
I didn't found usefull information to configure properly AucTeX in order to work well with ConTeXt and METAPOST, even in the auctex mailing list. It's ok for the menu (apparently managed by site) but I don't have syntax highlighting except for comment and indenting doesn't work well. So, my questions are: 1. Since there is a ConTeXt mode, I suppose there is some advanced features like syntax highlighting and indentation rules. Am I right ? 2. If I'm right, how to configure it ? 3. I will use METAPOST in my .tex files, how to manage this within Emacs ? 4. You know advanded features I must know ? ;-)
I'm sorry but I'm addicted to Emacs and don't want to use Scite even if it seems ConTeXt-friendly. I'm aware of the fact that this mail is more Emacs/AucTeX related but since I didn't succeed in finding answers yet I submit this issue to the ConTeXt community.
if you can specify what is needed for syntax highlighting, i can provide the data (the distribution contains several editor config files, which i automatically generate from the interface descriptions) so ... specs is what we need Hans