On 25 Oct 2024, at 05:41, David Roderick
wrote: i am processing:
\startotherverse % Verse God fashioned the ship of the world carefully. \stopotherverse
\startotherverse % Verse With the infinite skill of an All-Master \stopotherverse
\startotherverse % Verse Made He the hull and sails, \stopotherverse
I wish to change the spacings between these output lines.
\definenarrower[OtherVerseIndent][ default={left,right}, before=\switchtobodyfont[crane], after=\switchtobodyfont[mainfamily]\noindentation ]
\definelines[otherverse][ after=\stopOtherVerseIndent, before=\startOtherVerseIndent, ]
How do I achieve this?
You have one line per verse in the above example, so the only spacing that can be changed is that between verses. Assuming you meant the spacing of the lines within each verse then the following might be what you want. (Note: I don’t have the Crane font so substituted Pagella.) \definefont[otherversefont][name:pagella at 14pt][big] \definelines[otherverse] \setuplines[otherverse][before={\otherversefont}] \starttext Here is a verse: \startotherverse God fashioned the ship of the world carefully. With the infinite skill of an All-Master Made He the hull and sails, \stopotherverse and back to the previous bodyfont. \stoptext Change the parameter ‘big’ to get different spacings. (See \setupinterlinespace for options.) Regards, — Bruce Horrocks Hampshire, UK