On 2013–08–24 Hans Hagen wrote:
Hard to say what is the issue but it is not a luajittex issue. We don't do anything special, for instance jit is turned off because there is no gain at all (actually with jit enabled, the run is slower).
I can confirm that. I did not find a real-world document which compiled faster with jit. Using the virtual machine provides between 8% and 25% speed gain here.
There is however one difference and that is the compiled lua code: lua and luajit have incompatible formats (apart from the fact that luatex is 5.2 and luajittex is 5.1++). Normally compilation happens automatically i.e. when a font is loaded by luatex, context will generate the relevant compiled file when luajittex is used.
One possibility is that there is some mismatch in version numbers that gets unnoticed.
Let me know if I can provide any additional info.
In such case, as Aditya suggests, wiping the cache is an option.
That helped, indeed. Marco