\startchapter[ownnumber=1,title=chap 1]
This cheat gives the chapter his own number, but the counter still counts. So for my minexample it does not work: \definehead[mychapter][chapter] \setuphead[mychapter][number=no] \setupcombinedlist [content] [list={mychapter, chapter, section}] \starttext \completecontent \startmychapter[ownnumber=0,title=Vorwort] \chapter{First Chapter} \section{Some section in the first chapter} \chapter{Second chapter} \section{Some section in the second chapter} \stoptext Still "first chapter" has the number 2 etc. Of course I could change all chapter numbers by my own with this cheat "ownnumber", but that would be inappropriate, I have many of them in my currect project, and maybe things change and then I have to change and correct all of them again and again ... Maybe this way would work too: To define a new title (same styled like chapter, but not a clone), which has no counter and to add this title "Vorwort" into the toc. Then the first "real" chapter would automatically begin with "1"?! Would that work, and if yes, how to do that? Huseyin