On Thu, Nov 22, 2018 at 2:13 PM Ulrike Fischer <news3@nililand.de> wrote:
Am Thu, 22 Nov 2018 13:50:08 +0100 schrieb Hans Hagen:

>> When I use this definitions I still get partly blue glyphs with this
>> preamble. Don't you get them?

> well, i don't know what to expect

Khaled mentioned this link which shows how (harfbuzz-based) browsers
like firefox interpret the font

Also the spec

A palette entry index value of 0xFFFF is a special case indicating
that the text foreground color (defined by a higher-level client)
should be used and shall not be treated as actual index into CPAL
ColorRecord array.

sure, in font-dsp.lua
 2953         -- The special value 0xFFFF is foreground (but we index from 1). It
   2954         -- more looks like indices into a palette so 'class' is a better name
   2955         -- than 'palette'.

" the text foreground color (defined by a higher-level client) should be used"
doesn't mean   "you  MUST take the current color text" or even "you MUST use black" 
In fact "defined by a higher-level client" means 
that  I could define  a palette  such  that each glyph marked with 0xFFFF has its own color based on my palette ---  not necessarily the *same* color.
(this is the meaning  in font-ocl.lua of
 247             local default       = colorvalues[#colorvalues] -- or 1 or ... maybe make it an option
So..in this situation  black makes sense as blue -- I guess that 0xFFFF  is mapped as "cuirrent text color" in harfbuzz-browsers,
so, sure,  it has a bit  more functionality.
