Hi all, doing some tests I discovered two interesting facts. The first is that commands \starttext and \stoptext do not behave as a group. Minimal example (tested on TL2015, TL2016, TL2017, current CTX from the Garden): \starttext text \starttext \bf text \stoptext text % this text is in bold, too. \stoptext Is this the expected behaviour, or not? The second interesting thing is that the unbalanced document is compiled without protests: Minimal example #1 (tested on TL2015, TL2016, TL2017, current CTX from the Garden): \starttext text % in this case, the "text" is shipped out Minimal example #2 (tested on TL2015, TL2016, TL2017, current CTX from the Garden): text % in this case, the "text" is not shipped out \stoptext If this is ok, it does not correspond to our garden wiki (http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Command/starttext): "The first command takes care of a number of initializations, and the last command tells TEX that processing can stop. When this command is left out TEX will display a * (a star) on the command line at the end of the job. TEX will expect a command, for example \end." Wishes, Tomáš Tomáš Hála ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mendel's University of Agriculture and Forestry, Faculty of Business and Economics, Department of Informatics ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mendelova zemědělská a lesnická univerzita, Provozně ekonomická fakulta, Ústav informatiky, Zemědělská 5, CZ-613 00 Brno, tel. +420 545 13 22 28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.mendelu.cz/~thala