The following code does what I want: \blank \SetTableToWidth{\textwidth} \starttable[|lp(0.90\textwidth)|] Some text \SR \SR \HL \SR \HL \SR \HL \SR \HL \stoptable \blank I would think that the following code is equivalent: \blank \SetTableToWidth{\textwidth} \starttable[|lp(0.90\textwidth)|] Some text \SR \dorecurse{4}{ \SR \HL } \stoptable \blank But it is not. I get: Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in alignment at lines 39--49 [][][][][] ! Misplaced \noalign. \TABLEnoalign ->\noalign \bgroup \let \noalign \relax \let \next = \insertTABLEtail ->\TABLEnoalign {\global \settrue \preventTABLEbreak \globa... \stoptable ->\chuckTABLEautorow \insertTABLEtail \TABLEnoalign {\globalletem... l.60 \stoptable and h gives: I expect to see \noalign only after the \cr of an alignment. Proceed, and I'll ignore this case. What am I doing wrong? -- Cecil Westerhof M CLDWesterhof@gmail.com O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail - www.asciiribbon.org Please do not send me Microsoft Office/Apple iWork documents. Send OpenDocument instead! http://fsf.org/campaigns/opendocument/