7 May
7 May
12:55 p.m.
Le 7 mai 13 à 09:51, Marco Patzer a écrit :
\startuniqueMPgraphic{polygoneregulier}{sides} drawoptions (withpen pencircle scaled 2pt); numeric u ; u:=1*cm ; numeric n ; n:=\MPvar{sides}; pair a[]; a[0]:=(0,3u); path polygone[] ; for i=1 upto n : a[i]:=a[0] rotatedaround(origin,i*360/n) ; polygone[i]:=a[i-1]--a[i]; draw polygone[i]; endfor; draw fullcircle scaled 6u withcolor blue; \stopuniqueMPgraphic
%% \polyreg{<number>} \define[1]\polyreg {\setupMPvariables[polygoneregulier][sides=#1]%% \uniqueMPgraphic{polygoneregulier}}
\starttext \dontleavehmode \dorecurse{9}{\polyreg\recurselevel\space} \stoptext
Thanks a lot Marco ! I have to think carefully on your way : I don't understand all these commands yet. Roland