Hello, since Aditya was asking yesterday: I finally patched the gnuplot module to work with mkiv. There are still some parts for which I'm almost sure that they don't work (I didn't test, but at least an average gnuplot run should not need those features): 1.) colored labels ... Because withcolor doesn't work; but now that I intercept textext, maybe I can do some dirty tricks there. 2.) drawing points with TeX \setupGNUPLOTterminal[context][points=tex] \defineconversion[gnuplot:pointset][x,+,$\circ$] ... Because I first need to rewrite some code that used some dirty tricks with \startTeXtexts. 3.) changing font with gnuplot commands set title "Nice Title" font "iwona,20" ... Because Aditya wrote a patch that enables two arguments in \sometxt and that patch doesn't work in mkiv any more. Mojca PS: despite switching to mkiv, "reports still don't get written by themselves" :) :) :)