
I want the labels as (0.5,0.55,0.6,0.65,0.7,...,1) or (0.50,0.55,0.60,0.65,0.70,...,1). Either of these two is fine.

I tried the following code for this.


numeric rmin,rmax;
rmin := 0.5; rmax := 1;
ux := 25cm; uy :=10cm;
% draw axes
draw (rmin,0)*ux -- (rmax+0.1,0)*ux;
draw (rmin,0)*ux -- (rmin*ux,(1.1)*uy);
for x = 0.5 step 0.05 until 1.1:



I get (0.5,0.55, 0.6,0.65001,0.70001,0.75002,...,1.00003) instead. I don't understand why I get more than 2 digits after 0.6. Is there a way to restrict the number of digits after the decimal point. 

Thanks very much.