25 Oct
25 Oct
12:10 p.m.
Am 25.10.2011 um 11:43 schrieb Thomas A. Schmitz:
On 10/24/11 8:48 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
sure, oryou can play with
if xml.filter(t,".[@frame=on]) then
the x-*.lua show some tricks
OK, I'm in my "stubborn" mode then: why doesn't this work:
\startxmlsetups xml:nattable \startluacode if xml.attribute(t, "/", "frame", "off") == "on" then context("Yes, the frame is really on!") else context("Nope, sorry, it's still off.") end
if xml.attribute(lxml.id("#1"), "/", "frame", "off") == "on" then % context("Yes, the frame is really on!") else % context("Nope, sorry, it's still off.") end % Wolfgang