Charles Doherty wrote:
Dear all,
I have a bibliography created in BibDesk. I insert it in my .tex file using \setupbibtex[database={IndexHag},sort=author] and with the other commands I get my bibliography printed beautifully. I assign keywords in BibDesk and they appear in a list in the .bbl file for example as \keywords{Anderson, Columba, Colum Cille, Adamn{\'a}n, hagiography, hagiographer, saints lives} In the bibmod.pdf guide it says that \keyword KEYWORD Just text (for use in indices) \keywords KEYWORDS Just text (for use in indices)
I have a very long bibliography and it would be great to automatically generate indices based on the keywords that do not appear in the bibliography itself. If this can be done can someone show me how to go about that.
That should be possible, using two stages. First you have to make sure that there is an \insertkeywords in each of the \setuppublicationlayout definitions that you are using (look into the bibl-xxx files for examples). Second you have to redefine \insertkeywords so that it does a bit more work than normal. Here is what it normally does: \unprotect \def\insertkeywords#1#2#3% {\bibdoifelse {\@@pb@keywords} {% keywords present #1\@@pb@keywords #2% } {#3}% no keywords } \protect If you change that to \unprotect \def\insertkeywords#1#2#3% {\bibdoifelse{\@@pb@keywords} {% #1\@@pb@keywords #2% \processcommacommand[\@@pb@keywords]\index } {#3}% } \protect it should create the indices you want, besides. This is untested, if it does not work you should send me a test file. Best wishes, Taco