Dear syndicate, There is a bug in \quotation and/or \blockquote (pdf attached): there is a spurious dbl-quote mark at the end of the par that only occurs when \quotation is invoked. Please advise, workarounds welcome :-) Best wishes Idris ============================ % engine=luatex \starttext \startblockquote The now also must be indivisible: that is, the now in the essential and primary sense in which the now is inherent in all time; not, indeed, the now in the derived sense of a period of time…This now, which functions as the border between both past and future, must, indeed, be identical….If the now were separate limits [of both the past and the future], there would be a time between them, since every [real] continuum must have something of the same kind between its limits; and the time between them would be divisible, since we have proved that all time is divisible. Accordingly, the now would be divisible [and it would not, then, be the now we are talking about]….Thus, it is clear that time includes something indivisible, which we call a \quotation{now.} Obviously, too, nothing can be moving during a now. \stopblockquote \stoptext ============================ -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Shi`i Studies Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 -- Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/