25 Jul
25 Jul
3:51 p.m.
Hi, On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 sebastian.rooks@free.fr wrote:
Is there a nice way to setup frontmatter to use roman numerals and bodymatter "arabic" numerals starting from 1? I know I can use \setupsectionblock[][before=\bgroup\setup...] but is there something nicer?
What's wrong with this : \setuppagenumbering[conversion=romannumerals] \startfrontmatter \completecontent \stopfrontmatter
Nothing in principle, but if I do a \processXMLfilegrouped{foo.xml} which contains <frontmatter> ... </frontmatter> <bodymatter> </bodymatter> this doesn't work. Moreover I'd like to keep the content as far as possible separate from the layout. Tobias