27 Jun
27 Jun
4:17 p.m.
On Sun, 26 Jun 2005, Stuart Jansen wrote:
Below is an exaggerated case I haven't been able to solve. Assuming the frame can't be enlarged, the URL can't be manually broken, and extending outside the frame a tiny bit is okay, how can I prevent the line break inserted between the bullet and the url in the example below?
\starttext \framed[height=2in,width=3in,align={right,broad},frame=on]{ \startitemize[1,serried,packed,joinedup] \item{}foo \item{}bar \item\bgroup\tt{}http://areallyreallylongdomainname.org/index.html
2 suggestions: \item\hyphenatedurl{http://areallyreallylongdomainname.org/index.html} or just \item\bgroup\tt{}http://areallyreallylong domainname.org/index.html Cheers, Peter -- http://pmrb.free.fr/contact/