Hi Wolfgang On Mon, 2020-03-23 at 15:56 +0100, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
This is not possible but maybe the following is a alternative for you.
The tabulate can be used in combination with an item group to have auto generated numbers in a given column.
\startitemize[a][stopper=)] \starttabulate \NI First entry \NC\NR \NI Second entry \NC\NR \NI Third entry \NC\NR \NI Fourth entry \NC\NR \stoptabulate \stopitemize
Just a short Followup and Summary. First, standard packages in Ubuntu Bionic including the Packages built by JonathonF for TeXLive 2018 (*) seem to not yet provide \NI. (*) The 2019 Packages are broken in the JonathonF repo Second the non documented \itemtag which should be replaced by \NI works on my installation Third i Figured \itemtag also works for \starttable not just for \starttabulate. Fourth this allows me to use \Raise / Lower commands to move \itemtag to top of my Metapost picture which without would be placed at bottom of column (**) (**) I did not manage to get same effect with A{} (alignment) style on tabulate. I fear i did not get how that works or \itemtag simply ignores it which would explain amongst others why it stayed undocumented. Anyway i do get my Subfigure tags positioned and aligned the way i need it. Thank you very much again. Best Xristoph