hi, why does this fail with luatex? also, try \enableregime[utf-8] i got another error message when that's enabled. $ luatex --version This is LuaTeX, Version snapshot-0.31.3-2008123108, build unknown $ context --version MtxRun | main context file: /home/mbana/context-minimals/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/context.tex MtxRun | current version: 2009.01.18 14:39 texexec --lua test.tex ! Missing \endcsname inserted. <to be read again> \edef \tikz@finish ...\the \pgflinewidth }\fi \fi \edef \tikz@temp {\noexpand \pgf... <argument> ...linewidth {\begingroup \tikz@finish }\global \pgflinewidth =\p... \pgfutil@secondoftwo #1#2->#2 <argument> ...l \pgflinewidth =\pgfutil@tempdima } \pgfutil@ifundefined {pgf@... \pgfutil@secondoftwo #1#2->#2 ... l.52 ...ft:$s_0$] {$p,q$}; ? %\enableregime[utf-8] \usemodule[tikz] \usemodule[pgfplots] %\usetikzlibrary[fit] % ConTEXt \usetikzlibrary[arrows,automata,fit] \starttext \starttikzpicture[->,>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=4cm, semithick] \tikzstyle{every state}=[fill=grey,draw=none,text=white] \node[state] (s0) [label=left:$s_0$] {$p,q$}; \node[state] (s1) [below right of=s0,label=right:$s_1$] {$q$}; \node[state] (s2) [below of=s0,label=right:$s_2$] {$q$}; \node[state] (s3) [below left of=s0,label=left:$s_3$] {$p$}; \path (s0) edge [loop above] (s0) edge (s1) edge (s3) (s1) edge [bend right] (s3) (s2) edge [loop below] (s2) edge (s0) edge [right] (s1) (s3) edge [right] (s1) edge [right] (s2); \stoptikzpicture \stoptext