On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 7:13 AM, Michael Murphy
On 09/07/10 01:32, Michael Goerz wrote:
I'm trying to do some horizontal alignment, for typesetting poetry. How would you solve this kind of problem? I've considered defining a macro \BrokenLine[line1][line2] that does the above. But, there are also instances where there are two or more lines as a continuation of one previous line. Maybe there is a possibility to mark a horizontal position temporarily, and then jump to that position later?
Anyway, this is a crappy solution and you could probably make it better. As far as I'm aware, there is no way to get the current horizontal position across the page at any particular moment. The method below essentially just measures the length of the line that you want to enter, and sets this as the indent.
\def\savewidth#1{% \setbox0=\hbox{#1}% \copy0% \indentl=\wd0% }
\def\addtosavewidth#1{% \setbox0=\hbox{#1}% \mindent\copy0% \advance\indentl by \wd0% }
\def\mindent{\hskip\indentl} Thanks, Michael, that works great!
Just out of interest: why does \savewidth create a newline if there's more text on the same line, (like this: \savewidth{start of line} and some more text ) while \addtosavewidth does not? The difference is the \hskip in front of the \copy0%; if I add \hskip0pt in front of the the \copy in \savewidth, there's also no newline -- but how does that make sense? Michael