2 problems: 1) I'm trying to get \subsubsection to add a suffix (namely a colon) to every argument, viz. \subsubsection{Note} ===> Note: I tried \setuphead [subsubsection][style=bold, number=no, before={\blank[small]}, after={\blank[disable]}, prefix=-:] which results in ------------------------------- ! Undefined control sequence. <argument> \localkopprefix \setupreferenceprefix [#1]->\edef \@@rfprefix {#1 }\ifx \@@rfprefix \empty \l... \dodododosomekop ...renceprefix [\localkopprefix ] \fi \dosomebreak \nobreak ... l.46 \subsubsection{tanbIh"} ---------------------------------- Am I using "prefix" wrong? Is there another way I'm supposed to do this? 2) I would like to not only disable the space after \subsubsection but also have the main text start immediately after the argument, viz. \subsubsection{Note} Here is some text ===>> Note: Here is some text Is this possible?? Best wishes Idris -- Dr. Idris S Hamid Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523