On Mar 14, 2011, at 16:49, Marco wrote:
I totally agree. But Cecil mentioned in another thread: »My document is mostly text.« Even if a few mp graphics are involved luatex is still noticeably slower.
I look at it from the perspective that the last time I used TeX, my 8MHz Atari ST took several seconds to process each page. And then it took several seconds per page for the previewer to show me the DVI. And I couldn't do anything else on the machine while it was working. My way of working now is that I keep a short scratchpad document in TeXworks, and use it to sort out my formatting and macros, taking advantage of the live preview. When I'm done, I copy the definitions into my actual working document, which I edit in vim. I only typeset the entire working document once or twice an hour, if that; vim catches syntax errors. So if LuaTex takes a few seconds longer to do the typesetting, it's completely unimportant. mathew