Rik Kabel schrieb am 16.10.2024 um 23:18:
Hello Hans and developers,
I have been trying to convert some two- and three-step macros (as shown below) to single-step macros using the LMTX syntax given in the low-level macros manual. I have succeeded in many cases, but failed when the macro follows one particular group of patterns.
The group of patterns is similar to this macro to process
In this the number of arguments can be 2, 3, or 4.
A three-step solution might be as follows, which I use for a list of persons:
\defineregister[Bindex] \setupregister [Bindex][n=1, balance=no, method=default, % or New follows Newton! compress=no, % yes if not note number+q expansion=yes, pagecommand=\gobbleoneargument ]
\starttexdefinition unexpanded Bi \dosingleempty\doBindex \stoptexdefinition
\starttexdefinition unexpanded doBindex [#SORTAS]#INDEXED \def\SortAs{#SORTAS}% \def\Indexed{#INDEXED}% \dodoublegroupempty\doBindexFull \stoptexdefinition
\starttexdefinition doBindexFull #BD#MORE \doifemptyelse{#MORE} {\Bindex[\SortAs]{\Indexed\ #BD}} {\Bindex[\SortAs]{\Indexed\ #BD\\ #MORE}} \stoptexdefinition
with input like:
\Bi{Rumble, Walker}{1938|–|}% \Bi{Runia, David Theunis}{1951|–|}{Classicist}% \Bi{Rutherford, Ernest (Baron Rutherford of Nelson)}{1871|–|1937}{Physicist}% \Bi{Saenger, Paul}{1945|–|}% \Bi{Saldarini, Anthony J.}{1941|–|2001}% \Bi{Salter, William M.}{1853|–|1931}% \Bi[Saint-Exupery]{de Saint-Exupéry, Antoine}{1900|–|1944}% \Bi{Santayana, George}{1863|–|1952}% \Bi{Sapir, Edward}{1884|–|1939}{Linguist}% \Bi[Schrodinger]{Schrödinger, Erwin}{1887|–|1961}{Physicist}% \Bi[Spinoza]{de Spinoza, Baruch (Benedict de Spinoza, Bento de Espinosa)}{1632|–|1677}%
The best I can get with the newer syntax is a two-step:
\starttexdefinition unexpanded Bi \dosingleempty\doBindex \stoptexdefinition \tolerant\def\doBindex [#1]#=#=#=% {\doifemptyelse{#4} {\Bindex[#1]{#2\ #3}}% {\Bindex[#1]{#2\ #3\\ #4}}% }
In the low-level macros manual, near the end of chapter 2, it says that some day there may be a use for #?, #!, #<, or #>. If I am not missing something in the manual about how to provide that first optional argument as an empty value, I think I have one. Could [#?] always return a value (perhaps empty)? That would allow something like:
\tolerant\def\doBindex [#?]#=#=#=% {\doifemptyelse{#4} {\Bindex[#1]{#2\ #3}}% {\Bindex[#1]{#2\ #3\\ #4}}% }
When you have argument after square brackets you have to use #: to continues scanning for arguments of the command. For the mandatory argument you should just use #2 and keep #= for the optional arguments which are only used when text enclosed in curly braces appears. The #* between the third and fourth argument allows spaces between them. %%%% begin example \tolerant\protected\def\Bi[#1]#:#2#*#=#*#=% {(1=#1)% (2=#2)% (3=#3)% (4=#4)} \starttext [\Bi[one]{two}{three}{four}] [\Bi [one] {two} {three} {four}] [\Bi [one] {two} {three}] [\Bi [one] {two}] [\Bi {two}] [\Bi [one] {two}] \stoptext %%%% end example To check whether a argument is empty or not you can use the \ifparameter command with the parameter to check (i.e. #1) as argument (don't forget the \or) but \doifempty etc. work as well. %%%% begin example \tolerant\protected\def\Bi[#1]#:#2#*#=#*#=% {\ifparameter#1\or First argument is used. \else First argument is missing or empty. \fi} \starttext \Bi {bar} \Bi [] {bar} \Bi [foo] {bar} \stoptext %%%% end example Wolfgang