2 Mar
2 Mar
7:47 a.m.
On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 8:41 AM, Lutz Haseloff
Hi all,
since yesterday, the installation of the minimals on linux armhf doesn't work anymore. On a fresh system, after "sh ./first-setup.sh" I get:
receiving incremental file list bin/ bin/luatex bin/mtx-update.lua bin/mtxrun bin/texlua -> luatex
sent 92 bytes received 8,631,278 bytes 1,150,849.33 bytes/sec total size is 8,628,902 speedup is 1.00 ./bin/mtxrun:2763: attempt to index global 'fio' (a nil value)
hm, 'fio' is only in experimental and commit were tagged as "WORK IN PROGRESS" so it could even possible that the code doesn't compile at all. We are working on it. -- luigi