Am 10.06.2012 um 20:52 schrieb Alan Bowen:
Is there a way in MKII to ensure that there is never a page break between a heading and the following text?
\setuphead[after={\page[no]}] does not seem to work without entering vertical mode before \page. But, so far, I have not found a way to enter vertical mode in after={…} that does not add interlinespace and thus place the text too far from the heading.
Any suggestion or alternatives?
Do you have a example where you get an unwanted page break because context tries to prevent it. When you can’t make one in a short time try one of the following methods: 1. Insert a page break before the heading when not enough space is available. \setuphead[…][before={\testpage[6]\blank[…]}] 2. Add a big penalty before the vertical space after the heading (don’t use this method in mkiv). \setuphead[…][after={\nobreak\blank[…]}] Wolfgang