On 7/7/06, David Arnold wrote:
Why is it I cannot get my numbers to abut up against the left margin edge? They are always a few points indented.
\defineenumeration [question] [text=\labeltext{question}]
\setupenumerations [question] [location=left, width=broad, hang=1, headcolor=green, right=., way=bysection, sectionnumber=no]
\startquestion An icon is a representation of an action or the name of a computer program. Icons are frequently used in operating systems on several computer platforms. \stopquestion
It seems that you're reading my mind. I guess that it must be approximately the same reason as why I can't get Question Q1 Question Q2 With \defineenumeration [question] [text=Question Q] \startquestion Why are there so many spaces? \stopquestion I get Question Q 1 (but I can't find a way to get Q1 as is possible in sections - the space seems to be there by default). I thought that headcommand=\myquestioncommand (command spotted when I took a look at texshow, it's not in the manual) and \def\myquestioncommand#1{Question Q#1} would solve that, but I don't see any evidence of \myquestioncommand ever being called/executed. I would be very happy if this issue was solved as well. Perhas a left=,right= pair of keywords could solve the problem (left= and right= surrounding the number; but then we would also have to surround the label with something as well), where the default of left= would be a space. \[whatever]commad= could also solve the problem. Mojca