Hi Willi, all, Thank you for your answer but it doesn't work... I need it quickly, so I've a solution but it's not, hum, very clean since I don't know metapost very well: \def\followtokens#1% {\vbox\bgroup \forgetall \dontcomplain \startMPenvironment \doifundefined{RotFont}{\definefont[RotFont][RegularBold]} \stopMPenvironment \MPtoks\emptytoks \resetMPdrawing \startMPdrawing \includeMPgraphic{followtokens} picture pic[] ; numeric len[], n ; n := 0 ; \stopMPdrawing \handletokens#1\with\processfollowingtoken \startMPdrawing if unknown RotPath : path RotPath ; RotPath := origin ; fi ; if unknown RotColor : color RotColor ; RotColor := (0,.625,0) ; fi ; % mygreen if unknown TraceRot : boolean TraceRot ; TraceRot := false ; fi ; ... Renaud Willi Egger a écrit :
Hi Renaud,
you can define a color with \definecolor[brown] [r=.9,g=.8,b=0.6]
in your MEATPOST code you can say things like drawoptions(withcolor \MPcolor{brown}) i.e. that all will be drawn in borwn draw ... withcolor \MPcolor{brown} i.e. append the color to the drawing statement.