On 1 mrt 2011, at 20:21, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
\setupinterlinespace[line=0.5mm] or use MetaPost (not sure what do you want).
This does work out as I want it. The aim is to place lines of smallblocks, taken from an input file \startdvbscreen \startdvbline \blok{colorvalue} % FORGET COLOR FOR NOW .... \stopdvbline .... \stopdvbscreen \def\blokheight{0.15mm}\def\blokwidth{0.19mm} \def\blok{\vrule width \blokwidth height \blokheight depth 0pt\ignorespaces} \def\startdvbline{} \def\stopdvbline{\crlf\vskip-0.3mm} \def\startdvbscreen{SEE BELOW} \def\stopdvbscreen{\crlf\vskip4mm\stop} works with minimal fontsize, but the lines are not easily to get exactly tight in vertical sense (kludge with vskip of -0.3mm). thus works a bit: \def\startdvbscreen{DVB-screen\crlf\start\setupinterlinespace[line=0.5mm]} does not work: \def\startdvbscreen{DVB-screen\crlf\start\switchtobodyfont[0.1pt]}