On Mon, 15 Dec 2014, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 9:45 PM, Herbert Voss wrote:
Am 15.12.2014 um 15:27 schrieb Mojca Miklavec:
First of all I had to use Kakuto-san's example, adding something like
\pspicture(0mm,0mm)(30mm,30mm) ... \endpspicture
in front and at the back (which is extremely ugly to see in ConTeXt).
I see,
\tikzpicture .. \endtikzpicture
looks nicer ;-)
Well, that also, but in that case it would be \starttikzpicture ... \stoptikzpicture. The pairs \tikzpicture ... \endtikzpicture and \pspicture ... \endpspicture are plain TeX commands.
I would expect from ConTeXt to support
\startpspicture ... \stoppspicture
out of the box (if it supported PST properly).
This is a minor issue that can be easily fixed by a few lines of wrapper code in m-pstricks. pstricks relies on other parts of the tex ecosystem (a tex.pro file IIRC, and some binaries) that are not shipped with ConTeXt standalone. It will be great if MKIV supports pstricks out of the box. There are some very nice pstricks packages that are hard (and time consuming) to replicate. Aditya