Dear all, Using ConTeXt ver: 2016.05.01 09:52 MKIV beta, I see that marginal notes (using \inouter for example) are put 1 or more lines below expected when using stack= option. A simple MWE follows. \setupmargindata[outer][stack=yes] % or =continue \starttext Foo \inouter{note}*bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo \inouter{note}*bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo bar Foo \inouter{note}*bar Foo bar Foo bar \stoptext I’ve checked with ConTeXt Live that the problem does not happen on the current version of ConTeXt (marginal notes are on same line as the location in text). Many thanks for advising, Best regards Joseph Canedo