Henning Hraban Ramm schrieb am 11.01.2020 um 19:38:
Thank you very much! I tried a \framed to no avail.
\framed needs a align setting to allow line breaks.
And I thought I needed my own command since I also set color and font, but style={\MyDefinedFont\WORD} actually works.
Use \setcharactercasing with style keys when you need multiple settings, it's faster than \WORD because no group check is needed.
In my other setup I already tried a \vbox, but the problem is different, I guess.
My remaining problem in this case is irregular line spacing if there are umlauts, will open a new thread.
Increase the value for the baseline distance, e.g. \defineinterlinespace[chapter][line=3.2ex] \setuphead[chapter][interlinespace=chapter] or \setuphead[chapter][style={\setupinterlinespace[line=3.2ex]}] Wolfgang