Hi all, I need a table that is 2/3 \pagewidth and placed against the right page margin. \SetTableToWidth{6in} \setuptables[split=repeat] \starttablehead \NC Description \NC Quantity \NC Units \NC Rate \NC Amount \NC \NR \HL \stoptablehead \starttabletail \NC \SL This ticket is not an invoice. Pay on receipt of invoice. \NC\FOUR \NC\NR \stoptabletail \placetable[right,5*line,split=repeat][tab:costs]{} \starttables[|l|c|c|c|r|] \NC 1 man unit \NC 4 \NC hr \NC 125.00 \NC 500.00 \NC \NR \NC Kilometre charges \NC 100 \NC km \NC .85 \NC 85.00 \NC \NR \NC Field Kit \NC 1 \NC day \NC 50.0 \NC 50.00 \NC \NR \HL \NC \bold{Total:} (all work performed on this ticket, before taxes) \NC\THREE \NC \$ 635.00 \NC \NR \stoptables The table flows into, and off the right margin area. What am I doing wrong? Also, \SetTableToWidth{.67\pagewidth} produces an error. Is there a way to specify a fraction of \pagewidth? Even though this example is short, the table may run to multiple pages and I need both headers and footers to repeat. I also need to eventually shade alternate row backgrounds. Is there a better table macro choice? -- david