17 Oct
17 Oct
11:03 a.m.
Jens-Uwe Morawski
Ahoi MP experts,
i've tried to implement a keyval-interface in MP.
Currently it looks like
def keyvalFunc (text t) = begingroup; save status, col ; numeric status; string col ; t ; show status; show col ; endgroup; enddef;
keyvalFunc(status=1.0; col="Hallo" ) ;
This works, of course, but i would prefer if i could use a comma instead of the ";" to separate the keyval-pairs.
Any ideas, how i can make "," be locally like ";"?
Perhaps begingroup let ,=;; endgroup will do the job. -- Emil Hedevang Lohse http://home.imf.au.dk/emil/ Alle spørgsmål er lige dumme. Og spørgsmålet "Kan ænder flyve?" er ikke dumt.