Thanks for your reply Marco. Indeed using different margin text I now see they are overlaid. Using your suggestion adds the margin text from Question 2 just underneath the margin text from Question 1. I would like to position it next to Question 2 because I would like to use this feature to indicate question categories. Regards, Jan Willem
On 22 jun. 2016, at 11:52, Jan Willem Flamma
wrote: Dear list members
In the following MWE, the margin text appears at question 1 but not at question 2.
How is this possible?
Kind regards, Jan Willem
MWE: \defineblock[question] \hideblocks[question]
\defineenumeration [question] [text=Question]
\inmargin{margin} \beginquestion Text \endquestion
\inmargin{margin} \beginquestion Text \endquestion