On Wed, May 07, 2003 at 08:47:27PM +0200, Gour wrote:
Pablo Rodriguez (oinos@web.de) wrote:
I need to use utf-8 for my documents, since it is the proper way to handle polytonic Greek, Spanish and German in a single document without having to use strange input methods. I was told that it is possible to use utf-8 in ConTeXt (although Greek isn't defined for utf-8 yet), but I don't know how to enable this feature. Which command can I use utf-8 in my documents? (I know \enableregime, but it doesn't work with option unicode).
I use following:
\chardef\utfunihashmode=1 \enableregime [utf]
Indeed, the regime corresponds to the file encoding you use, which is utf-8, and not to the fact that you use unicode (you do not; you use TeX, which does not use unicode as its internal encoding).
and it works nicely with cmr fonts. For the rest wait for some other ConTeXt font guru :-)
That is not me, but I believe you should use \setupencoding[default=ec] which makes you use fonts with ec font-encoding, and \usetypescript [berry] [\defaultencoding] which translates the font names to the Berry font names. With these two you probably get the ec fonts. To get postscript fonts you have to do more. See earlier discussions on this list, and links to Patrick Gundelach's web site that were published then. Regards, Simon -- Simon Pepping email: spepping@scaprea.hobby.nl