Hans van der Meer wrote:
On Jun 29, 2006, at 17:16, Hans van der Meer wrote:
On Jun 29, 2006, at 13:53, Hans Hagen wrote:
Thanks. I installed it and it works. Witness the examples below. Will this be installed in next ConTeXt versions? I would be grateful. One question of naming: I think "none" is a better descriptive name then "disable"
other keywords are already taken
A pity, but I think one could live with that. From your reply I infer that the next ConTeXt release will contain this option. If not expressis verbis denied, I will count on it.
I am afraid I was too optimistic here.
1. the keyword "disable" seems already been taken in relation to \blanksdisabletrue in core-spa.tex. I changed it to the unused "disabled" in order to experiment without interference.
blank has its own namespace, so there cannot be interference
2. the solution given by Taco was: % added (Taco Hoekwater 2006-06-28) \def\v!disabled{disabled} \setvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!disabled}% {\appendtoks \raggedright \parfillskip\zeropoint \to\everyraggedcommand} There must be another interference here, because surprisingly this silently changes the default alignment in vertical sense to "high". The code below shows it in the leftmost box, that I added to the previous examples that Hans Hagen has sent back.
it depends ... align={disable,high} (or whatever combination wanted)
3. Alignment in these examples is not correct. I add some \hfil's to show that. In the combination {disable,lohi} somehow the horizontal alignment change from the disable is killed by the lohi. The order {lohi,disabled} or {disabled,lohi} has no effect. I looked into cor- spa.tex but could not figure out how setting top and bottom vglue could re-enable the old parfillskip value. I did add the parfillskip= \zeropoint code to lohi/high/low but could not get a good result.
Do you mind looking further into this? It would be much nicer if horizontal and vertical alignment could behave orthogonal to each other, instead of having some seemingly complex interdepency.
\hbox{% \vbox{\vskip5mm\framed [frame=on,strut=no,align=disabled,width=1cm,height=2cm,offset=0pt]% {\framed[frame=on,strut=no,offset=0pt]{lp}}\vskip5mm}% \vbox{\vskip5mm\framed[frame=on,strut=no,align= {disable,high},width=1cm,height=2cm,offset=0pt]% {\framed[frame=on,strut=no,offset=0pt]{l}\hfil}\vskip5mm}% \vbox{\vskip5mm\framed[frame=on,strut=no,align= {disable,low},width=1cm,height=2cm,offset=0pt]% {\hfil\framed[frame=on,strut=no,offset=0pt]{c}\hfil}\vskip5mm}% \vbox{\vskip5mm\framed[frame=on,strut=no,align= {disable,lohi},width=1cm,height=2cm,offset=0pt]% {\hfil\framed[frame=on,strut=no,offset=0pt]{r}}\vskip5mm}% }
according to taco (sitting next to me): tex removes the last hfil before applying parfilskip you need to keep in mind that begin/end paragraph handling is also influenced by hard coded tex behaviour if we start messing around with tricks to bypass that we end up in a mess this is one reason for using struts (adding kern 0 pt may also help: ... \hfil \kern0pt Hans