Hi all, I have a LARGE (we're talking about the hundred scale) number of floats I would like to distribute across a document. These are paired (a table and a figure). The layout that results from coupling them side by side doesn't satisfy me, so I was looking for a different approach. I would like them to be distributed across the pages by placing the tables at the top left and the figure at the bottom right, text flowing around them. Since there is a very large number of floats, I would like this placement to be automatic: "From now on, do this until you run out of text/floats" I already did something like the following \newcount\curvenum \global\curvenum=1 \def\newpar{ \oldpar \glet\par\oldpar \input tests/curves-\the\curvenum.tex \global\advance\curvenum1 \ifnum\curvenum<8\let\par\newpar\fi } \let\oldpar\par \let\par\newpar to "delay-load" floats, since loading them all at once fills up the main memory. But how to achieve the layout? -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta