Thanks, that worked. But it leads to my next question, I am afraid. When I define: \definecolor [brightred][r=0.7, g=.1, b=.1] then I can use this in \startcolor[brightred]...\stopcolor according to \meaning brightred being \protected macro \switchtocolor [brightred] Now I am fond of symbolic names and therefore also defined: \definecolor [FrameColor][brightred] Thus being able to use FrameColor as \MPcolor{FrameColor} in MetaFun. (\meaning says \MPcolor{FrameColor} is \scaledMPcolor 1Framecolor, \FrameColor being undefined) I thought to use \MPcolor{FrameColor} also in \startcolor[\MPcolor{FrameColor}]...\stopcolor or \startcolor[FrameColor]...\stopcolor but neither of these worked, nor did {\switchtocolor[FrameColor]...}\crlf {\switchtocolor[\MPcolor{FrameColor}]...}\crlf How can I use FrameColor here to? Without defining extra macros around FrameColor, I hope. On Jan 25, 2006, at 20:55, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Hans van der Meer wrote:
I suspect there is no way of sneaking in these []'s inside the command? That is the general solution.
Cheers, Taco ______________________________________________
yours sincerely, dr. H. van der Meer